where we moved out to in-laws and they were completed on time with high quality. In one case I think we were quoted 11 weeks and it took 12, another was 14 and it took 13. The delays were all Boston Inspectional Services. Our kitchen remodel was centered on an Aga64 stove which has an odd dimension of 39.5 inches wide. We also put in the laundry in the kitchen which has saved us countless trips to the basement over the years. Fiacra provides accurate estimates and you'll get quality work on time. He is the only contractor I've seen sweep up and keep everything clean and tidy end of day every day. Since then he has done the following projects for us: New Roof repair ( tree fell on house in a hurricane ) New 2nd story porch Expand closet Front Deck and stair using IPE When we bought our place on the Cape he helped me do a building inspection on short notice. We were just joking the other day that this is the house that Fiacra built ( or rebuilt ).
Jon Bultmeyer, Client